Kevin B. Kimble Wants to Eliminate Racial Economic Inequities

September 21, 2020

Kevin B. Kimble, Esq.

Kevin B. Kimble, an advocate and subject matter expert on economic inclusion, economic innovation and community development, founded the Financial Services Innovation Coalition (FSIC).  His mission at FSIC is to help disadvantaged communities by providing education to community leaders and advocating for more inclusive policies while introducing communities to  wealth building tools and strategic partnerships. Due to centuries of systemic racism, many Black and Brown communities lack access to the kinds of economic resources that have been granted to mostly white communities — Kevin’s mission is to eliminate these historical obstacles and allow communities of color to thrive.

But broken democratic systems, like the Senate filibuster, have been used time and time again to halt progress on economic inclusion and block efforts to improve the financial well being of Black and Brown people in America. As a 25-year veteran of Capitol Hill, Kevin understands that in order to undo the economic disparities that impact so many communities of color, we must first unbreak the systems of democracy that have allowed white supremacy to remain interwoven with federal policymaking. 

“Effective advocacy requires a receptive and responsive body politic.”

Kevin B. Kimble

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